The Magnetic Field: Importance for Humans

The Deficiency Syndrome 

A long-term study at a Japanese hospital brought to light that a range of “illnesses for civilization” are linked to the decrease in the earth’s magnetic field. Not only is exercise on its own important for staying healthy but also the pulsation which comes from moving over the earth’s actual magnetic static field. The electromagnetic frequencies which occur from this contain information which our bodies obviously receive via finely tuned antennae and have evolved as part of human development over hundreds of thousands of years.

The less we move, the less our bodies receive the electromagnetic field of the earth and the more apathetic our cell system becomes. Cells do not consistently just work on their own, but need a constant stimulus via (movement related) starter impulses. If these are not forthcoming, then our cells begin to deteriorate slowly.

Thus the important question, is it not then legitimate to shorten tedious and time-consuming exercise by a few minutes of Cellvital stimulation for the well-being for our own healthy-cells?

The earth’s magnetic field protects the earth from harmful radiation from the cosmos. Its oscillation frequency of 7.8 Hz corresponds exactly to the frequency of our command center in our brain, the hypothalamus.

Observations from space travel prove how important the influence of the earth’s magnetic field is for all organic life, and especially for the human body. To stay healthy, nature needs undisturbed oscillations from the earth’s magnetic field, clean water and air and a balanced supply of nutrients.

The earth’s magnetic field is static by nature. Depending on the physical human urge to exercise a natural pulsation comes from this movement. With this link between the earth’s magnetic static field and the pulsation induced by movement the intensity levels of electromagnetic waves are multiplied.

This fact forms the basis of the innovative Cellvital technology: a pulsating magnetic field combined with the power of a static magnetic field which boosts the effect in the human body.

The Earth’s Magnetic Field: Bioelectricity Within our Body

The Secret Driving Force of The Human Body 

The earth’s magnetic field is a driving force for many important biological processes in the body and without them a healthy (happy), unscathed life isn’t possible. Several decades ago scientists were able to prove that cells only react to electromagnetic signals within a defined frequency and area of intensity. This area is called biological windows.

Towards the end of the last century special magnetic field devices needed to be developed for aerospace as it was proven that after astronauts returned to earth they suffered health problems: such as retarded recovery, changes within the blood, muscle and bone mass. After upgrading the magnetic field technology in the spacecraft these problems no longer occurred.

How important magnetism is for essential processes in the body can be seen in the Nobel Prize awarded in 2003. Two scientists, Peter Agre and Roderic McKinnon were able to prove that water is transported in the human body via special water channels, so-called “aquaporins.” A magnetic mechanism is responsible for transporting these water molecules. If this mechanism is damaged or disturbed, then numerous biochemical or biophysical processes are affected. Small changes in the magnetic field can already change this and lead, for example, to glitches in the water transport of the cells.

Cell Stimulation – Our Cells: The Energy Provider for Our Body

Even if, for each organ there are different specialists, it is quite clear that the cause of all disease is always a cellular function problem and deficit. For example, fatigue and weakness are always an expression of a modified “electrical” cell voltage*. In older people, it is usually at the bottom. If the cellular voltage is no longer measurable, we have reached the afterlife. A very low cellular membrane voltage* “strangely” characterizes even cancer.

“Forget your age and ask yourself:
How old is my energy?”

Suzanne Somers – Ageless – Anti-aging Expert and Best Seller Author

If the electric voltage falls below a certain level, healthy cells turn into ill cells. 

The mere fact that, whether the energy production within the cell is working, the protein synthesis is running or the “waste disposal” is in progress, decides which type of disease we can expect. If you start with revitalizing your cells, rather than “tinkering on your own” on an organ or a syndrome, it will save you unnecessary detours and often significant burdens and restrictions.

Pulsating electromagnetic stimulation easily reaches our organism, thus electromagnetic signals or important information can be transported into our 100 trillion body cells.

Result: Better sleep, greater concentration and stamina, all of which help to reduce the signs of aging appreciably.

Biological Windows

The term “biological windows” comes from the Californian neurologist William Ross Adey. He was able to demonstrate from the calcium efflux from rabbits’ brain cells, that this effect can only be triggered with certain magnetic field intensity.

With “biological windows” you describe an intensity and frequency area which the cellular tissue is especially receptive to. This corresponds to certain cell receptors which can only react to defined frequencies. Subsequently, this “resonance effect” enhances or unblocks natural signals, which are indispensable for metabolic processes, circulation, cell renewal, creating energy or for the immune defense systems.

E-Function: Movement by Pressing The Button

The type of magnetic impulse is decisive for the effectiveness of the signal which is induced by the device.

The e-function curve is an “expression for every living thing.”

All impulses from the Cellvital Homecare technology correspond to the e-function curve. This is the only impulse curve which can be felt by our natural processes in the body and guarantee an enhanced alignment of the ions and a forced transport of the ions, which play a decisive role in vitalizing a cell.

The cell membrane potential as well as the aerobic energy creation can be especially increased at a cellular level thanks to the special properties of the Cellvital Homecare System. The Cellvital Homecare System is able to re-align the ions and to transport them via impulse curves like an e-function. This procedure was developed and protected internationally by Prof. Dr. Fischer AG.

Fibonacci Code – Cardiovascular System: Nature’s Engineering Prowess

The technological innovation (Fibonacci Code) contained in the Cellvital Homecare enables the blood supply (blood vessel structure) to be provided to every organ and cell in optimum time and via the shortest path.

Result: Optimized absorption of oxygen in the tissues. Regulates/re-adjusts the vegetative nervous system leading to improved circulation, better sleep, effective and quick detoxification.


Electrosmog or e-smog is a colloquial expression for all electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields, which are partially assumed to have (undesired) biological effects.

The tolerability of proven emissions from electromagnetic fields for the environment, especially for compatibility with health and reasonability for humans are described by the term EMCE (electromagnetic compatibility with the environment). Living things, who can feel such things are classed as electro-sensitive. The admissible limits, as part of the EMCE, are regulated by guidelines, norms and laws. The influence of electromagnetic fields on technical equipment is described in the electromagnetic compatibility.

Cellvital Homecare is based on extensive scientific know-how. This is why TCO readings according to the Norm are 30 cm above the CV-HC product: <0.5V/m.

The TCO Norm prescribes frequency band 1 (5Hz to 2kHz), this means in the range where all magnetic field therapy devices work, a maximum value of 10 V/m.

ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)

In biology ATP is considered to be the energy of life. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the “energy currency” of every cell in our body. It is the molecule with the most energy and is most efficient for storing energy. ATP is produced in the mitochondria of our body cells.

The Mitochondria are the “energy power stations” of our cells. Every day they produce the right quantity of ATP for our body weight.

Example: 1 man who weighs 80 kg needs 80 kg of ATP per day.

Our whole energy supply depends on our body being able to produce enough ATP.

We constantly need energy for numerous metabolic processes, for cell repair and replacement, etc. A considerable share of the energy we need each day is needed purely for maintaining our body temperature.


Mitochondria are cell organelles which work as “energy power stations” for the cells and are thus responsible for producing the energy for our bodies. They work for the cells to produce, store and distribute energy.

In each human cell there are up to 2,000 mitochondria, which produce the quantity of ATP (see above) necessary for our body weight every day. Cells with high metabolism such as muscles and organs need more mitochondria.

Without mitochondria the cell becomes inoperative and dies.

Calcium Ions 

Calcium ions are the most important messenger substances (neuro transmitters) within all body cells.

Outside the cell the concentration of calcium ions is 1,000 times higher than within the cells. If a cell is stimulated by an electric nerve impulse, a hormone, or by a pulsating magnetic field then the openings in the cell’s membrane (ion channels) expand dramatically.

If these then open or their electrical conduction systems turn to “green” the calcium ions then flood the “lower-lying or calcium-less” regions in a flash and trigger, depending on the cells, very different reactions.

  • nerve impulses are sent to the working muscles
  • hormones are released
  • the activity of enzymes is increased (i.e. improved digestion)
  • anti-inflammatory as well as anti-allergic effects (boosts the effectiveness of the immune system)

Cell Membrane Potential 

Description for the existing electrical potential difference between the inside of a cell and the extra cellular fluid separated by membranes (potential). The formation of a membrane potential is a characteristic of all cells. It has an important function for many biological processes. The membrane potential is especially important for nerve cells, muscle cells (muscles and muscular system) and sensory cells.

Energy Production 

With the pulsating electro-magnetic field treatment, the energy production system (mitochondria) is stimulated, which usually only happens in situations where stamina is needed or in periods of heavy physical activity. Subsequently, large quantities of ATP are created. The cells adjust to the new state of a pulsating electro-magnetic treatment within a few minutes and create after only 10 minutes which make the multiple demands on ATP for the ion pumps superfluous. The mitochondria however work for a much longer time and create a much greater quantity of energy.

Result: Cellvital magnetic stimulation impulses trigger the creation of aerobic ATP for a longer period of time and thus create valuable energy for the body.