
Detailed visual health status of the organs, systems, and tissue of the body. Simple method for measuring the health state of the entire body.

Intuitive to operate, simple to understand and reports that make sense!

The AO Scan is an elegant yet simple method for measuring the health state of the entire body. This scan is safe, non-invasive, and presents detailed visual reports of the health status of the organs, systems and tissues of the body.

Identifies specific frequencies in the human body and has compiled a database of more than 120,000 different frequencies. These frequencies are the same in every person. Every cell and organ in the body have their own distinctive Vibrational Frequency or Oscillation. When these oscillations are disrupted, whether by injury, diet, stress or emotion, it results in a disruption of that biological function. Which when not addressed, can bring about fatigue, depression, illness, disease and even death.

Over the past 20 years, more than 120,000 of these Vibrational Frequencies have been isolated, identified and cataloged. Knowing what the optimum oscillation or frequencies of these cells and organs are, can assist in determining the root cause of an individual’s health issues when these frequencies are compared to the individual scanned results.


The scan uses scalar energy which helps regenerate our entire body systems. Scalar fields have always existed and are well known in astrophysics, geology, and hydrodynamics.

This technology was compared with conventional diagnostic methods of Ultrasound, C.T. Scan, and M.R.I. The AO Comprehensive Scan showed to be far more accurate.



Remote Services for Individuals, Businesses and Health Care Providers


The Vital Scan mode of this device performs a complete scan of over 550 bodily functions in under 1 minute. The end result is a 24-page detailed report for your clients to take home.


The AO Comprehensive Scan shows in-depth details and can project the health status out 3-5 years, comparing subtle frequencies in the body, measuring electromagnetic signals and the subtle bio-frequencies.

The Comprehensive Scan mode performs detailed scans on over 130 organs, cell structures, bones and chromosomes throughout the body. It also prepares an in-depth graphical report. Each of these scans takes between 12 and 20 seconds each. This mode also offers a comprehensive library of information that is continually being updated on a regular basis.


This function of the system evaluates each AO scan mode and determines what custom series of corrective frequencies gets sent to the brain. This corrective measure may help to encourage the body to self-correct issues that are not in the optimum frequency range through a process known as Sympathetic Vibration.


INNER-Voice technology uses a Sound Harmonizing technique which generates a balancing audio frequency derived from the voice spectrum. It can detect excesses and weaknesses from an individual. In simple words: It provides the frequencies needed and diminishes those that are in excess. It is like hearing the ‘mirror’ of your voice.

The INNER-Voice program helps harmonize life by improving concentration, creativity and emotional intelligence. This powerful tool analyzes 15 seconds of voice audio to determine emotional states, and the program then generates a custom audio tone to help regulate emotional imbalances.



Increase your business while helping your clients experience and maintain true health. PRIME MY LIFE offers AO SCANS for your patients/clients.

We Welcome: Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Health Trainers, Wellness Coaches, Massage Therapists, Holistic Aestheticians, Nutritionists, Exercise-Yoga Instructors, etc.

We encourage all professionals interested in helping your patients/clients find the root cause of their health issues by offering, “Prime My Life” programs.